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This week, we recap election results, delve into FOIA’d Mueller docs, support DACA & impeachment, and interview Multnomah County Commissioner Sharon Mieiran.
Issues of the week: support impeachment, support immigrants
For impeachment: My name is XX from [zipcode]. I want the Rep/Senator to
- Support the impeachment process
- stop using the legalistic phrase “quid pro quo” and use clearer terms like “bribery” or extortion to describe impeachment.
To support immigrants: My name is XX from [zipcode]. While the Senator/Rep supports impeachment, I also want them to
- oppose any increase in fees for immigration services, including DACA
- make sure the budget has no additional money and no inter-agency transfers to CBP or ICE.
And after you call
- please work towards the 2020 election with Swing Left or a group using Swing Left tools: https://swingleft.org/events
- help voters call their Senators and ask them to support the impeachment process. https://act.indivisible.org/signup/impeachment-senate-calls/