This Week: Megan is back to celebrate our second anniversary! Rebecca shines a spotlight on Portland’s own Trumpian grifter: EU Ambassador & hotelier Gordon Sondland. Smitha introduces Indivisible’s calling tool to prod vulnerable Senators about impeachment.
Who is Portland’s own Gordon Sondland?
More here.
And here.
The White House has blocked Sondland from testifying today.
The infamous texts between Sondland, Volker & Taylor.
Trump’s calls with foreign leaders are freaking everybody out.
CIA counsel referred whistleblower complaint to DoJ for criminal investigation.
Issue of the week: Keep calling about impeachment
I’m appalled at how Trump has abandoned our allies and keeps asking for foreign governments to interfere in our elections. I ask the Representative/Senator to insist:
- Congress act decisively with immediate, robust, televised impeachment hearings that expose Trump’s abuses, corruption and crimes;
- impeachment hearings end in a vote on impeachment;
- Congress passes legislation to protect our allies – especially our Kurdish allies;
And after you call
- please work towards the 2020 election with Swing Left or a group using Swing Left tools: https://swingleft.org/events
- help voters call their Senators and ask them to support the impeachment process. https://act.indivisible.org/signup/impeachment-senate-calls/