This week we recap the recaps of the Mueller hearings and clarify the clarifications of impeachment.
Action of the week:
The impeachment process is moving forward. Call Congress to keep going
For Reps: Trump has committed impeachable offenses and I ask that he support the impeachment process. Over the recess I ask the Representative to:
- educate the public on the impeachment process and why it is important
- make sure public impeachment hearings are the first order of business when the House is back in session
Issue of the week for Senators: #MoscowMitch and election security
For Senators: Mueller made it very clear our elections are being attacked as we speak. I ask the Senator to do all he/she can to force a vote on election security legislation before they break for recess.
After you call please help register voters for 2020 with Vote Forward https://votefwd.org/. The only hope for lasting change is a new president and a new congress.