Ep. 79 – The World is Burning

Ep. 79 - The World is Burning

Sadly, we’re Megan-less this week, but Smitha & Rebecca soldier on by discussing all the ways that the world is burning – literally and figuratively.



Action of the week: 

Trump will burn the world down to save himself. We can see examples of this in everything he touches – two prime examples are how his administration treats our transgendered brothers and sisters as well as the atrocities they are committing at the border.  It is hard to keep calling about an impeachment inquiry but each day there is not one is another day we are basically saying it is okay to leverage the power of this government and this presidency to enact the cruelest policies possible.  We cannot let this stand.  Please call for an impeachment inquiry.  Now. 

Calls to congress:

Combo ask 1: My name is XX from XX zipcode: Trump committed impeachable offenses and our elections were hacked.  Trump must be held accountable and our elections must be secured.  I ask that Rep/Senator to 

  1. Demand the House to hold an impeachment inquiry
  2. Demand Barr and Mnuchin be held in contempt of court and Mueller be subpoenaed to testify in public 
  3. demand passage of the PAVE Act 

Combo ask 2: My name is XX from XX zipcode: Trump committed impeachable offenses and children are being separated and dying at the border.  Trump must be held accountable and we must deny DHS additional funds.  I ask that Rep/Senator to 

  1. Demand the House to hold an impeachment inquiry
  2. Demand Barr and Mnuchin be held in contempt of court and Mueller be subpoenaed to testify in public
  3. vote NO on any increase funding for DHS

Actions to help the transgender community

Make comments denouncing the Trump admin’s latest roll back of protections 


Actions to help immigrants

From Senator Merkley:

  1. Talk to friends in other states and have them pressure their gop MoC to stop these abuses at the border
  2. If you have time protests in Florida for a week at the Homestead camp to force them to shut down

Other things

  1. Donate to groups who do the work of lawyers, aclu, innovation labs
  2. They are always looking for volunteers with law, interpreting skills
  3. Help immigrants here support  a)HB 2015 – drivers license bill b) sb 845/859 for tuition equity c) HB 2932 court house safety
  4. Join Indivisible Hillsboro to protest ICE at the courthouse once a month

Election Actions

  1. Actions that take time These are for current elections.  And keeping people engaged and the blue wave going will help us for 2020
    1. Post cards: postcards to voters https://postcardstovoters.org/ 
    2. Letter writing: vote forward https://votefwd.org/ 
    3. texting – open progress https://www.openprogress.com/
    4. testing resistance labs https://resistancelabs.com/ 
    5. phone bank – swing left www.swingleft.org.  
  2. Actions that take money. The Democratic Primary debates must be about policy.  It is up to us to get the candidates we want on that stage.  A candidate must have 65,000 unique donors to qualify.  Any donation counts.  
    1. to WOMEN candidates.  
      1. Elizabeth Warren
      2. Kamala Harris
      3. Kirsten Gillibrand
      4. Amy Klobuchar
    2. to presidential fund Unify or Die via swing left. 
    3. to SENATE CANDIDATES. This is the next biggest battle after the presidential race.  https://secure.actblue.com/donate/retakesenate2020 
  3. SuperMajority – Supermajority is a new home for women’s activism, training and mobilizing a multiracial, intergenerational community that will fight for gender equity together.