Ep. 72 – Lawlessness

This week, Smitha, Megan & Rebecca discuss the general lawlessness of this administration and what we can do to counter it.
Stephen Miller in charge of immigration policy.
Members of Mueller’s team frustrated by Barr summary.
The Cruelty is The Point – Adam Serwer, The Atlantic
William Barr’s Mueller cover-up reveals America’s delusional dreamland about democracy -Will Bunch, Philadelphia Inquirer
Action of the week:
Trump and his admin think they can act with impunity due to the Barr letter. We need to make it clear this will not stand. We must work on two fronts – advocacy and election. We must keep calling and showing up to push our MoCs AND we must work to get the strongest candidates to fight Trump and his GOP this November
Calls to congress:
Senate: My name is XX from XX zipcode. Congress must check Trump and stand up for our democracy. I ask the Senator to:
- Call for investigations of Krisjten Neilsen and Stephen Miller
- Do all you can to get the full Mueller report released
- Pass the VAWA and the House Disaster Relief Bill
House: Senate: My name is XX from XX zipcode. Congress must check Trump and stand up for our democracy. I ask the Senator to:
- Call for investigations of Krisjten Neilsen and Stephen Miller
- Do all you can to get the full Mueller report released
Election Action
The best antidote is to all this unrest is to take action. After calling your member of Congress check out the resources below.
- Actions that take time These are for current elections. And keeping people engaged and the blue wave going will help us for 2020
- Post cards: postcards to voters https://postcardstovoters.org/
- Letter writing: vote forward https://votefwd.org/.
- texting – open progress https://www.openprogress.com/
- testing resistance labs https://resistancelabs.com/
- phone bank – swing left www.swingleft.org.
- Actions that take money. The Democratic Primary debates must be about policy. It is up to us to get the candidates we want on that stage. A candidate must have 65,000 unique donors to qualify. Any donation counts.
- to WOMEN candidate.
- to presidential fund Unify or Die via swing left.
- to senate candidates. This is the next biggest battle after the presidential race. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/retakesenate2020
- How to find out about actions
- sign up for Rogan’s list – they send great action and great election stuff most week days. http://roganslist.blogspot.com/