Ep. 67 – Radical

This Week:
The 2020 Presidential field is so radical, we’re declaring a national emergency! Megan’s back to discuss all that and more.
Everything we know so far about the 2020 Presidential candidates.
Issue of the week:
Trump’s racism wasn’t satisfied by signing a compromise government funding bill that increases funds for immigration officers and jailing immigrants so he descended further into authoritarianism and declared a national emergency to get his wall.
The wall is a medieval monument to racism, a penance for Trump’s ego and base. Declaring a state of emergency over the wall abandons the rule of law and marches us into authoritarianism.
Congress must stand up as a co-equal branch of government. They must revoke Trump’s declaration of an emergency using the National Emergencies Act. House Dems looked poised to revoke the declaration and we must call to make sure they do.
Calls to congress:
“My name is [Name]. I am a constituent and I and live in ZIP code [number]. Congress must defend the constitution and stand up Trump’s authoritarianism. I demand the Senator/Rep:
- Immediately use the National Emergencies Act to revoke Trump’s declaration of national emergency over the wall
- Choose one of the following (bonus asks that also defend human rights and the constitution):
- Pass legislation to rein in ICE and CBP and provide relief to families at the border and DACA and TPS recipients.
- Commit to making the Mueller report public and pass legislation to make sure this happens
- (for Senator’s only) Commit to vetting judges properly and vote no on Senate Resolution 50*
Bonus action:
The only real way to get out of having to make these horrible decisions is to vote in better people. Consider a donation to the Unify or Die Fund (from Swing Left and Pod Save America, supporting the eventual Democratic Presidential Nominee) and/or the Flippable Fund (from Flippable, supporting change at the state level) to make a difference in 2020.
This Week:
The 2020 Presidential field is so radical, we’re declaring a national emergency! Megan’s back to discuss all that and more.
Everything we know so far about the 2020 Presidential candidates.
Issue of the week:
Trump’s racism wasn’t satisfied by signing a compromise government funding bill that increases funds for immigration officers and jailing immigrants so he descended further into authoritarianism and declared a national emergency to get his wall.
The wall is a medieval monument to racism, a penance for Trump’s ego and base. Declaring a state of emergency over the wall abandons the rule of law and marches us into authoritarianism.
Congress must stand up as a co-equal branch of government. They must revoke Trump’s declaration of an emergency using the National Emergencies Act. House Dems looked poised to revoke the declaration and we must call to make sure they do.
Calls to congress:
“My name is [Name]. I am a constituent and I and live in ZIP code [number]. Congress must defend the constitution and stand up Trump’s authoritarianism. I demand the Senator/Rep:
- Immediately use the National Emergencies Act to revoke Trump’s declaration of national emergency over the wall
- Choose one of the following (bonus asks that also defend human rights and the constitution):
- Pass legislation to rein in ICE and CBP and provide relief to families at the border and DACA and TPS recipients.
- Commit to making the Mueller report public and pass legislation to make sure this happens
- (for Senator’s only) Commit to vetting judges properly and vote no on Senate Resolution 50*
Bonus action:
The only real way to get out of having to make these horrible decisions is to vote in better people. Consider a donation to the Unify or Die Fund (from Swing Left and Pod Save America, supporting the eventual Democratic Presidential Nominee) and/or the Flippable Fund (from Flippable, supporting change at the state level) to make a difference in 2020.
This Week:
The 2020 Presidential field is so radical, we’re declaring a national emergency! Megan’s back to discuss all that and more.
Everything we know so far about the 2020 Presidential candidates.
Issue of the week:
Trump’s racism wasn’t satisfied by signing a compromise government funding bill that increases funds for immigration officers and jailing immigrants so he descended further into authoritarianism and declared a national emergency to get his wall.
The wall is a medieval monument to racism, a penance for Trump’s ego and base. Declaring a state of emergency over the wall abandons the rule of law and marches us into authoritarianism.
Congress must stand up as a co-equal branch of government. They must revoke Trump’s declaration of an emergency using the National Emergencies Act. House Dems looked poised to revoke the declaration and we must call to make sure they do.
Calls to congress:
“My name is [Name]. I am a constituent and I and live in ZIP code [number]. Congress must defend the constitution and stand up Trump’s authoritarianism. I demand the Senator/Rep:
- Immediately use the National Emergencies Act to revoke Trump’s declaration of national emergency over the wall
- Choose one of the following (bonus asks that also defend human rights and the constitution):
- Pass legislation to rein in ICE and CBP and provide relief to families at the border and DACA and TPS recipients.
- Commit to making the Mueller report public and pass legislation to make sure this happens
- (for Senator’s only) Commit to vetting judges properly and vote no on Senate Resolution 50*
Bonus action:
The only real way to get out of having to make these horrible decisions is to vote in better people. Consider a donation to the Unify or Die Fund (from Swing Left and Pod Save America, supporting the eventual Democratic Presidential Nominee) and/or the Flippable Fund (from Flippable, supporting change at the state level) to make a difference in 2020.