Ep. 64 – Roger Stone’s Time in the Barrel

This week, our sharing circle relives waking up to Roger Stone’s arrest, we fangirl over Fancy Pelosi, reiterate why we call Congress, and we invent a new tongue twister: “Congressional Conference Committees.”
Action of the week:
This shutdown is over and your calls worked! Thank you so much to everyone who called. But we must keep calling if we don’t want to end up back here in three weeks. And trust Nancy Pelosi because NANCY IS A BOSS. Her leadership was instrumental in protecting our values, stopping the wall, and placing a check on Trump. Please enjoy a breakdown of her amazing leadership on the State of the Union – courtesy of R. Eric Thomas:
Nancy Pelosi Tells Trump ‘You Can’t SOTU With Us
President Petty Postpones Pelosi’s Plane as Payback
Pelosi and Her Fabulous Scarf Have Bested Trump
Calls to congress
Script for MoCs who stood firm against money for the wall:
My name is XX. I’m a constituent from zip code XX. I thank Senator/Rep for standing strong against the wall and getting the government open again. I ask him/her to:
- Pass funding bills with NO money for the wall so we don’t end up here in three weeks
- Go to conference on DHS spending bill for border security WITHOUT a wall and permeant help for DACA and TPS recipients
- Make sure federal contractors get paid by passing legislation like HR 339
Script for MoCs who voted for the wall at any time.
My name is XX. I’m a constituent from zip code XX. I want to make it clear to the Senator/Rep that I am against the wall and am glad the shutdown is over. I ask him/her to:
- Pass funding bills with NO money for the wall so we don’t end up here in three weeks
- Go to conference on DHS spending bill for border security WITHOUT a wall and permeant help for DACA and TPS recipients
- Make sure federal contractors get paid by passing legislation like HR 339
This week, our sharing circle relives waking up to Roger Stone’s arrest, we fangirl over Fancy Pelosi, reiterate why we call Congress, and we invent a new tongue twister: “Congressional Conference Committees.”
Action of the week:
This shutdown is over and your calls worked! Thank you so much to everyone who called. But we must keep calling if we don’t want to end up back here in three weeks. And trust Nancy Pelosi because NANCY IS A BOSS. Her leadership was instrumental in protecting our values, stopping the wall, and placing a check on Trump. Please enjoy a breakdown of her amazing leadership on the State of the Union – courtesy of R. Eric Thomas:
Nancy Pelosi Tells Trump ‘You Can’t SOTU With Us
President Petty Postpones Pelosi’s Plane as Payback
Pelosi and Her Fabulous Scarf Have Bested Trump
Calls to congress
Script for MoCs who stood firm against money for the wall:
My name is XX. I’m a constituent from zip code XX. I thank Senator/Rep for standing strong against the wall and getting the government open again. I ask him/her to:
- Pass funding bills with NO money for the wall so we don’t end up here in three weeks
- Go to conference on DHS spending bill for border security WITHOUT a wall and permeant help for DACA and TPS recipients
- Make sure federal contractors get paid by passing legislation like HR 339
Script for MoCs who voted for the wall at any time.
My name is XX. I’m a constituent from zip code XX. I want to make it clear to the Senator/Rep that I am against the wall and am glad the shutdown is over. I ask him/her to:
- Pass funding bills with NO money for the wall so we don’t end up here in three weeks
- Go to conference on DHS spending bill for border security WITHOUT a wall and permeant help for DACA and TPS recipients
- Make sure federal contractors get paid by passing legislation like HR 339
This week, our sharing circle relives waking up to Roger Stone’s arrest, we fangirl over Fancy Pelosi, reiterate why we call Congress, and we invent a new tongue twister: “Congressional Conference Committees.”
Action of the week:
This shutdown is over and your calls worked! Thank you so much to everyone who called. But we must keep calling if we don’t want to end up back here in three weeks. And trust Nancy Pelosi because NANCY IS A BOSS. Her leadership was instrumental in protecting our values, stopping the wall, and placing a check on Trump. Please enjoy a breakdown of her amazing leadership on the State of the Union – courtesy of R. Eric Thomas:
Nancy Pelosi Tells Trump ‘You Can’t SOTU With Us
President Petty Postpones Pelosi’s Plane as Payback
Pelosi and Her Fabulous Scarf Have Bested Trump
Calls to congress
Script for MoCs who stood firm against money for the wall:
My name is XX. I’m a constituent from zip code XX. I thank Senator/Rep for standing strong against the wall and getting the government open again. I ask him/her to:
- Pass funding bills with NO money for the wall so we don’t end up here in three weeks
- Go to conference on DHS spending bill for border security WITHOUT a wall and permeant help for DACA and TPS recipients
- Make sure federal contractors get paid by passing legislation like HR 339
Script for MoCs who voted for the wall at any time.
My name is XX. I’m a constituent from zip code XX. I want to make it clear to the Senator/Rep that I am against the wall and am glad the shutdown is over. I ask him/her to:
- Pass funding bills with NO money for the wall so we don’t end up here in three weeks
- Go to conference on DHS spending bill for border security WITHOUT a wall and permeant help for DACA and TPS recipients
- Make sure federal contractors get paid by passing legislation like HR 339