This Week:
This week, we share a rousing pep talk to get us through the recent wave of hate crimes and set the stage for the post-midterm landscape.
Charleston survivor Reverend Sharon Risher on the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting.
Oregonian piece on Joey Gibson: “The Misunderstood Joey Gibson”
and the blowback.
NYT article on Governor Kate Brown.
Vote With Me app.
Vox -“Asymmetrical Polarization”
Blue Wave video.
Issue of the week:
We are on the side of right. In seven days, we will mark a major milestone in our movement. Do what you must to wake up November 7th with no regrets. Then join us to keep moving our country towards a future that is better and bright.
Calls to congress
For Senators: “My name is [Name]. I am a constituent and I and live in ZIP code [number]. I am calling because I am deeply concerned that in the lame duck session the GOP will try to cut our safety net and taxes while trying to fund a wall and rush the confirmation of judges. I ask that the Senator to all he can in the lame duck session to 1) protect our healthcare and safety net 2) stop a new tax cut and border wall funding 3) stop any judges from being confirmed. Thank you.”
For Reps: “My name is [Name]. I am a constituent and I and live in ZIP code [number]. I am calling because I am deeply concerned that in the lame duck session the GOP will try to cut our safety net and taxes while trying to fund a wall and rush the confirmation of judges. I ask that the Senator to all he can in the lame duck session to 1) protect our healthcare and safety net and 2) stop a new tax cut and border wall funding Thank you.”
Action to help families
- File a comment in OPPOSITION to the rule proposed by the Trump Admin to allow for indefinite detention of children: https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=ICEB-2018-0002-0001
- File a comment in OPPOSITION to limiting immigrants’ access to SNAP and MEDICAID https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=DHS_FRDOC_0001-1706
Midterm actions
- Get to know the ballot measures: Do 102, Nix 103-106. Commit to vote NO on 105 https://orunited.org/ and on 106 https://nocutstocare.com/; make sure all your friends and family do the same
- Support Governor Kate Brown https://katebrownfororegon.com/. She is the only one who supports healthcare, including reproductive care and vaccines, supports survivors, supports commonsense gun legislation, is opposed to measure 105 and will stand up to Trump
- Sign up to volunteer for Governor Brown: https://www.facebook.com/pg/teamoregon2018/events/?ref=page_internal