Ep. 52 – Votes, Not Quotes

Ep. 52 - Votes, Not Quotes

This week Rebecca, Megan, and Smitha urge everyone to look at “Votes Not Quotes” for the Oregon Governor race and multitask to stop the GOP in the lame duck congressional session. AND ALSO VOTE.


What does Phil Knight expect in return for his campaign donations?

Joshua Hunt: University of Nike: How Corporate Cash bought American Higher Education

Excerpt in Pacific Standard

Vote With Me app.

Blue Wave video.

Honoring Angela. 

Oregon Ballot Measures.

Oregon Ballot Drop Box Locator.



Issue of the week: 

We are a force.  We are part of a movement that is setting the agenda.  We have helped to raise $1 BILLION for a new Congress.  We saved the ACA.  We are working towards a future that is better and bright. 

And while we are doing this the GOP thinks we aren’t paying attention to the lame duck session.  No matter what happens November 6th the same Congress comes back to finish up this session.  They have already talked about repealing the ACA, cutting our safety net, more tax cuts, funding a border wall, and confirming more judges.  

We cannot allow this to happen. We must make it clear we are paying attention.  Call, comment, canvass.  Prove to the GOP – WE CAN MULTI-TASK. 

Calls to congress 

For Senators: “My name is [Name]. I am a constituent and I and live in ZIP code [number]. I am calling because I am deeply concerned that in the lame duck session the GOP will try to cut our safety net and taxes while trying to fund a wall and rush the confirmation of judges. I ask that the Senator to all he can in the lame duck session to 1) protect our healthcare and safety net 2) stop a new tax cut and border wall funding 3) stop any judges from being confirmed. Thank you.”

For Reps: “My name is [Name]. I am a constituent and I and live in ZIP code [number]. I am calling because I am deeply concerned that in the lame duck session the GOP will try to cut our safety net and taxes while trying to fund a wall and rush the confirmation of judges. I ask that the Senator to all he can in the lame duck session to 1) protect our healthcare and safety net and 2) stop a new tax cut and border wall funding Thank you.”

Action to help families

  1. File a comment in OPPOSITION to the rule proposed by the Trump Admin to allow for indefinite detention of children: https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=ICEB-2018-0002-0001  
  2. File a comment in OPPOSITION to limiting immigrants’ access to SNAP and MEDICAID https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=DHS_FRDOC_0001-1706

Midterm actions 

  1. Get to know the ballot measures: Do 102, Nix 103-106.  Commit to vote NO on 105 https://orunited.org/ and on 106 https://nocutstocare.com/; make sure all your friends and family do the same
  2. Support Governor Kate Brown https://katebrownfororegon.com/.  She is the only one who supports healthcare, including reproductive care and vaccines, supports survivors, supports commonsense gun legislation, is opposed to measure 105 and will stand up to Trump
  3. Sign up to volunteer for Governor Brown: https://www.facebook.com/pg/teamoregon2018/events/?ref=page_internal 
  4. Sign up for the ELECTION SPRINT CHALLENGE! 


Americans of Conscience: Honoring Angela


Also, do something: www.indivisible.org/midterms