Ep. 51 – We Like Brown People

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This week:
Rebecca, Megan, and Smitha discuss how Kate Brown is the only choice to defend us from Trump, how to have your voice heard on the federal level during the congressional recess, and the power of canvassing.
Indivisible Oregon Calling Scripts
Issues of the week:
Congress is on recess but there is still much we can do. We can call out Congress on the work the left undone, comment on horrible rules being proposed by the Trump Administration, and do SOMETHING for the midterms.
Calls to congress
- Script to stop attacks on immigrants: “My name is [Name]. I am a constituent and I and live in ZIP code [number]. I am calling because I am deeply concerned Congress left for recess when families are still separated and now kid are being traumatized. Now Trump is talking about separating families again. They do this because congress has taken no action. I ask that the Senator/Rep to 1) work to pass the REUNITE Act 2) hold hearings on what is happening at the border and Puerto Rico and 3) make sure no tax payer money goes to fund a wall. Thank you.”
Action to help families
- File a comment in OPPOSITION to the rule proposed by the Trump Admin to allow for indefinite detention of children: https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=ICEB-2018-0002-0001
- File a comment in OPPOSITION to limiting protest and enacting protest fees. https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=NPS-2018-0007-0001
- File a comment in OPPOSITION to limiting immigrants’ access to SNAP and MEDICAID https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=DHS_FRDOC_0001-1706
Midterm actions
- Get to know the ballot measures: Do 102, Nix 103-106. Commit to vote NO on 105 https://orunited.org/ and on 106 https://nocutstocare.com/; make sure all your friends and family do the same
- Support Governor Kate Brown https://katebrownfororegon.com/. She is the only one who supports healthcare, including reproductive care and vaccines, supports survivors, supports commonsense gun legislation, is opposed to measure 105 and will stand up to Trump
- Sign up to volunteer for Governor Brown: https://www.facebook.com/pg/teamoregon2018/events/?ref=page_internal