Ep. 47 – Just Fucking Do Something

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This week:
Issues of the week:
The attack on immigrants continues. Last week we discussed the how the Trump administration has proposed a rule to upend the Flores agreement and keep children held indefinitely with their parents. Now we have
- Reports that 12,8000 children are held in detention. The highest ever.
- Trump admin has announced an increase of 3800 beds to tent city.
- To keep up the Deportation Train the Trump admin transferred 10 million from FEMA to ICE.
- Trump DENIED that 3000 people died in PR during the hurricane. Another step at dehumanization of anyone who is not white.
The GOP are paying for their a 1.5 Trillion tax by cut food stamps/SNAP and impose work requirements in the Farm Bill which will cause 2 million low income Americans to lose their benefits/access to food.
Calls to congress
- Script to stop attacks on immigrants: “My name is [Name]. I am a constituent and I and live in ZIP code [number]. I am calling because I am deeply concerned over rule to keep family and kids detained indefinitely and Trump denying deaths in Puerto Rico. I ask that the Senator/Rep pass the Reunite act immediately to end family detention and to hold hearings into what happened in Puerto Rico that caused such large loss of life. Thank you.”
- Script to protect our safety net: “My name is [Name]. I am a constituent and I and live in ZIP code [number]. I am calling because I am appalled that the GOP is trying to pay for their $1.5 trillion tax cut with cuts to food stamps and Medicare I ask that the Senator/Rep protect our safety net including healthcare and food stamps in the Farm Bill. Thank you.”
- Script for Kavanaugh “My name is [Name]. I am a constituent and I and live in ZIP code [number]. If Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court my life will change by XXX. He committed perjury and sexual assault and cannot sit on the Supreme Court. I ask that the Senator to do all he or she can to stop this perjurer from sitting on the supreme court.
Action to help families
- File a comment in OPPOSITION to the rule proposed by the Trump Admin to allow for indefinite detention of children. Guidance on how to fill it out.
Midterm actions
- Oppose Measure 105 (formerly IP 22). This is an attempt by anti-immigration groups to repeal Oregon’s 30-year-old sanctuary state law. Commit to vote NO on 105 https://orunited.org/ and make sure all your friends and family do the same
- Support Governor Kate Brown https://katebrownfororegon.com/
- National action – Figure out your plans for #LastWee