Ep. 42 – Women are People, Too.

Ep. 42 - Women are People, Too.


This week:  We discuss the radical notion that women are people. People who think we should ignore white supremacists and not frequent Alex Jones’ Pinterest page.



Issue of the week: DEFEND ROE

Women’s rights are human rights. Healthcare is a human right. To deny women access to healthcare, including reproductive services and abortion, is to deny human rights. Kavanaugh’s nomination puts abortion access and women’s health further at risk. We must stop Kavanaugh. CALL EVERY DAY. Women’s lives depend on it. 

On a local level we must support Kate Brown and stop Knute Buelher.  Despite his recent claims he is anti-choice and will set Oregon women back. 

Calls and Mid Term Actions

First we stop Kavanaugh by calling out senators. Indivisible Oregon will have scripts every day this week to #StopKavanaugh www.indivisibleOR.org/actions. 

YOU: Hi.  I have a comment for the senator

Staff: I can take that down down

YOU Thanks my name is XXX and I’m from zipcode XXX : Brett Kavanaugh threatens almost every value I hold dear including Roe v Wade.  I ask the senator to make sure all of Kavanaugh’s record is reviewed and do all he can to stop Kavanaugh from being confirmed.”

Then we stop Kavanaugh by 

  1. Sign up for a calling shift to #SaveSCOTUS with Indivisible Guide.  Call key voters in Arizona, Mississippi, Nevada, Tenessee and Texas and help them tell their Senators to vote No on Kavanaugh https://www.indivisible.org/save-scotus/

Finally we stop Kavanaugh by 

  1. national action: https://www.roadto2018.com/ pick a vulnerable blue senator in a red and do something every month to help them win

On a local level we

  1. Oregon action – support Governor Kate Brown https://katebrownfororegon.com/ 
  2. Oppose Measure 106 – after Governor Kate Brown signed the Reproductive Health Equality Act this Constitutional Amendment to ban public funds for abortions made it to the ballot.  Work to Oppose Measure 106 and demand No Cuts To Care https://nocutstocare.com/ 

Evergreen action

  1. Figure out your plans for #LastWeekend and sign up at https://thelastweekend.org/ – ask off for vacation now.  Plan now for how you will help for the weekend before the election.  If you need help check out: https://crushthemidterms.org/ – will help you plan for the midterms. 


Smitha rants.