Ep. 129 - Loser's Last Gasp

What didn’t we cover this week?! Trump has The Rona, the NYT has his taxes, Melania has bad words, Kimberly Guilfoyle has an abusive sex addiction, the debate has us all taking Silkwood showers, Smitha has FACTS about COVID, and Megan has voter registration deadlines.



Action of the week:

Dem Senators: Trump and the GOP have abandoned us.  Even as they fall ill from COVID they won’t pass COVID relief and trying to ram through a Supreme Court nominee who will rip away our healthcare.  I ask the Senator to

  • Push for the Senate to pass COVID relief
  • Use all Senate tools to stop the Supreme Court confirmation. Refuse to agree to unanimous consent and make the GOP attain quorum on their own.

GOP Senators and Reps: Trump and the GOP have abandoned us.  Even as they fall ill from COVID they won’t pass COVID relief and trying to ram through a Supreme Court nominee who will rip away our healthcare.  I ask the Representative to

  • Push for the Senate to pass COVID relief
  • Make it clear there can be no Supreme Court conformation until the next inauguration

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