Ep. 121 - Wear A Mask

Rebecca recaps Portland’s protests and their results so far, Smitha covers COVID and why you need to cover your face, and we name a number in honor of Megan.



Action of the week: 

Anti racist actions for congress

Congress must show they are anti-racist. The intersection of racism, white supremacy, policy brutality, and covid is devastating Black people. They must

  1. Pass the HEROS ACT in the senate.
  2. Pass the Justice in Policing Act of 2020 in both he House and Senate

Email to your State Senator, State Representative, and Governor Brown

Hundreds of years of systemic racism in America has created a public health crisis that has crystalized in COVID-19 and police brutality. I urge the state to take the following actions during the special session to address COVID-19 and police brutality

  1. Direct residents to wear face coverings in public settings. And since the crisis of systemic racism is highlighted in the crisis of COVID 19, the state must simultaneously make it clear that any kind of disparate enforcement or discrimination will not be tolerated
  2. Secure the supply chain for covid testing and PPE
  3. As many prisoners must be released as possible with special attention paid to Black and Latinx people who are disproportionately imprisoned in Oregon
  4. Ban the use of tear gas.
  5. Condemn police brutality and enact the actions from the Oregon POC caucus.


Ways to help

In Portland: https://www.pdxmonthly.com/news-and-city-life/2020/05/breathe-deep-and-figure-out-how-to-help

From President Obama: https://medium.com/@BarackObama/how-to-make-this-moment-the-turning-point-for-real-change-9fa209806067

Donation links