This week, Megan’s back (!) for a discussion of the White House’s criminal incompetence, progressive pandemic messaging, and how to access Coronavirus assistance.
Governors Fighting Each Other (& the Federal Government) for Supplies
Help Wisconsin Hold a Primary That Doesn’t Kill People
The White House Has Been Using the Defense Production Act This Whole Time
US Asks Thailand for Aid They Already Sent to Thailand
White House Economists Warned in 2019 That a Pandemic Could Devastate America
No matter where we live or the color of our skin, we all need medical care, food, and housing, especially when we get sick. Congress must stay in session and take care of people affected by Covid-19. They must immediately provide:
- Relief for people – money directly to people, loans to small businesses (including those who get Medicaid funding) and paid family/sick leave
- Vote by mail for the 2020 election
- National production of medical and protective equipment
Must read messaging: