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Rebecca previews Super Tuesday and recaps Warren’s Seattle rally and the state of the presidential race. Smitha discusses election security, progressive messaging, and her visit to the Oregon capitol. And we shout out to all the donors to our flash fundraiser for Elizabeth Warren.
This Doctor Makes House Calls
Sign up to be an Elizabeth Warren Road Warrior https://elizabethwarren.com/roadwarriors
Portland’s Women’s March: https://womxnsmarchpdx.com/
Sign up for Stand On Every Corner PDX: bit.ly/SOECPDX
Make your plan for 2020. The time to get off the sidelines is now.
- Post cards: postcards to voters https://postcardstovoters.org/
- Post cards to Wisconsin: https://www.postcards2wi.com/
- Letter writing: vote forward https://votefwd.org/
- Letter writing: swing left www.swingleft.org
- Texting: open progress https://www.openprogress.com/
- Texting: resistance labs https://resistancelabs.com/
- Texting for candidates: contact campaigns directly
- Phone banking and canvassing – contact campaigns directly