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This week we talk to Kate Sharaf about campaigning in Nevada for Elizabeth Warren and interview Jamie McLeod-Skinner, a pro-democracy progressive running for Secretary of State.
Sign up to be an Elizabeth Warren Road Warrior https://elizabethwarren.com/roadwarriors
Portland’s Women’s March: https://womxnsmarchpdx.com/
Sign up for Stand On Every Corner PDX: bit.ly/SOECPDX
Make your plan for 2020. The time to get off the sidelines is now.
- Post cards: postcards to voters https://postcardstovoters.org/
- Post cards to Wisconsin: https://www.postcards2wi.com/
- Letter writing: vote forward https://votefwd.org/
- Letter writing: swing left www.swingleft.org
- Texting: open progress https://www.openprogress.com/
- Texting: resistance labs https://resistancelabs.com/
- Texting for candidates: contact campaigns directly
- Phone banking and canvassing – contact campaigns directly